
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


The Inequalities Research Group

Led by Professor Rosalind Raine, this group addresses the paradox of overall improvements in life expectancy in the face of persistent health inequalities. It measures the relative contributions of health care and public health interventions on outcomes. Inequalities is a cross-cutting emphasis across DAHR Research

Current Projects:

Some previous projects include:

  • Supporting decision making in primary care: An interactive educational resource using online patient cases
  • Developing indicators of change in NHS equity performance
  • Innovative use of antibiotics in the prevention of exacerbations of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease
  • Strategies to reduce the social gradient in bowel cancer screening: the ASCEND Project
  • Evaluation  of the Planning & Delivery of NHS London’s Olympic Paralympics Programme
  • Evaluation of dissemination and implementation of NICE workplace guidance within NHS Trusts
  • Improving the effectiveness of multidisciplinary team meetings for patients with chronic diseases
  • The Health Foundation PhD Award Programme
  • Evaluation of Specialist Cancer Services for Teenagers and Young Adults (NIHR Applied Programme Grant, led by Dr Jeremy Whelan, UCL)