
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Children's life chances: evidence published

9 July 2018

ICLS submits evidence to the Education Select Committee on children's life chances showing the more risk factors a child has to contend with, the less well they do and that this is compounded over time.

ICLS evidence submitted to an Education Select Committee inquiry on the life chances of children has been published. The evidence, based on research findings from the Millennium Cohort Study, shows that the more risk factors a child has to contend with, the less well they do and that this is compounded over time.

The Centre's work also shows that breastfeeding, bedtime routines, daily breakfast and reading with a child are important and that small changes to these routines can bring long lasting positive effects. The inquiry was set up to understand the impact of early years education and social policy on determining children's life chances.