
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Nermina Ferizović

Nermina picture

My PhD Title: Investigation into multi-stakeholder preferences for advanced therapy medicinal products
Supervisor (s): Professor Paula Lorgelly and Professor Nicholas Freemantle
Lay summary: The aim of my research project is to investigate the preferences that different stakeholders exhibit towards cell and gene therapies. The purpose of this is three-fold: to enable the determination of the different value elements associated with these therapies, to compare the preferences between the different stakeholders and to assess potential policy implications around the economic evaluation of these therapies.

My Background
I am a consultant Health Economist specialising in mathematical modelling and health technology assessment of interventions in rare diseases and oncology. This means that my day-to-day role involves determining and highlighting the value of interventions in these disease areas. This led me to UCL and to my research project.

MSc Health Economics and Health Policy, University of Birmingham, Class of 2018

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