
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Keir Philip (old)

My PhD Title: 


The aim of my PhD project is to provide a comprehensive examination of the psychobiological pathways through which exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) 

My Background 

Clinical Research Fellow




  1. Philip K, Bennett B, Fuller S, et al., 2020, The working accuracy of pulse oximetry in COVID-19 patients stepping down from intensive care: a clinical evaluation, Bmj Open Respiratory Research, ISSN:2052-4439 Open Access Link
  2. Philip K, Lonergan B, Cumella A, et al., 2020, COVID-19 related concerns of people with long-term respiratory conditions: a qualitative study, Bmc Pulmonary Medicine, ISSN:1471-2466 Open Access Link
  3. Philip KEJ, Lewis A, Buttery SC, et al., 2020, The physiological demands of Singing for Lung Health compared to treadmill walking DOI
  4. Philip K, Lewis A, Buttery S, et al., 2020, Moving Singing for Lung Health online in response to COVID-19: experience from a randomised controlled trial, Bmj Open Respiratory Research, ISSN:2052-4439 Open Access Link
  5. Philip K, Adam L, Williams S, et al., 2020, Dance for people with chronic respiratory disease: A qualitative study, Bmj Open, Vol:10, ISSN:2044-6055 DOI Open Access Link

Contact details Email: k.philip@ucl.ac.uk

Twitter handle:  @keirphilip