
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


PGTA payments

Teaching is a valuable experience. It can contribute to intellectual development, to the individual’s grasp of the subject and can also provide an opportunity for personal and professional development towards both academic and non-academic positions. 

Pay and Terms of Employment:

  1. PGTAs are all paid on UCL Grade 6. Their starting salary is point 21. For salary rates please visit the UCL salary scale: www.ucl.ac.uk/human-resources/pay-benefits/salary-scales
  1. If you have worked with us in previous years, please contact Nicola Phillips (n.phillips@ucl.ac.uk) ASAP. In your email, please state the number of years you have been a PGTA in order to ensure that you are remunerated on the correct spine point.
  1. All of our contracts are guaranteed 15 hours of work per academic year.  For more information on the various teaching duties and responsibilities, please refer to the Job Description (PDF icon PGTA Job Description)
  1. In line with the PGTA Code of Practice, PGTAs are covered by the Prevention of Bullying, Harassment and Sexual Misconduct Policy. Employed PGTA’s have the same parental leave and sickness pay as other employees, are subject to the capability and disciplinary policy and may raise grievances. Where formal meetings are necessary for the purposes of these policies, they will be paid accordingly to attend them.

What will PGTAs be paid for:

  • You can be paid for contact hours, preparation of teaching material and assessment of work, in accordance with the ratio agreed by the Teaching Committee. 
  • You can be paid for time spent attending mandatory training, which may include Gateway / Arena One training and departmental PGTA mentoring. You do not need to repeat (and be paid for) mandatory training that they are required to complete in their student capacity.
  • Attendance at mandatory meetings, including departmental teaching committee meetings, will also be paid. 
  • Where absences are due to sickness, you may claim these hours by stating it on the on-line timesheet (PGTA 2023-24 Payment Spreadsheet.xlsx).  Please ensure you notify the lead academic of any absence at the start of the day in line with the UCL Sickness Absence Policy

Timesheet Submission Process

  • You need to submit your details via the on-line form by the 15th of each month (to be paid the following month e.g 15th January to be paid at the end of February)
  • Once you have uploaded your details, please inform your module lead so they can approve your entry by the 17th of each month.
  • If you miss the deadline, please add your dates to the next calendar month for payment. We are unable to process late payments.
  • Salaries will normally be paid on the last working day of each calendar month by bank transfer. Where applicable, deductions are made in respect of national insurance, income tax and pension contributions.