
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Funding Round 6 (FR6)

FR6, the internal funding round, will open from 06/06/2022 and close on 30/09/2022. There will be £250,000.00 available for each member to award according to their local process.

It remains a priority of the school to facilitate collaborations and linkages with other strategic partners, in particular to include underrepresented research areas within Primary Care. Costing external collaborators at 5% FTE is the current guideline, however where there is robust justification for higher FTEs, this will be considered. All applications are expected to be led or co-led by an early or mid-career researcher.  We encourage applications for projects up to around £50k-£100k for this call, demonstrating value for money.  Smaller projects are also welcome. 

Timeline for costings and the NSPCR SPCR IV FR6



6th June

Launch of Funding Round 6

8th June – 15th July

Draft costings to be created on Worktribe with any necessary amendments/recommendations. Contact the PI’s if applicable and other institutions for costs

15th July

Deadline for any draft costing to be submitted to JM/BP

15th July – 30th August

Costings/Applications to be finalised with PI

31st August

Final applications to be submitted to JM/BP for Panel

12th Sept

Internal PCPH Panel Review

13th Sept

Chosen projects to be submitted in WT

30th Sept

SPCR Closing Date – Chosen applications to be submitted to SPCR by JM/BP


 SPCR Board meeting Date

By end of December 2022

Outcome communicated by the SPCR

Application Process

An application comprises of :

If you are interested in applying for this round and want to see what a successful application looks like, please get in touch with Jeshma Mehta.