
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


Funding Round 5 (FR5)

For this round of funding, each member is allocated up to £200k. Awards can start from 1 October 2022 with a duration of up to 36 months.

All applications must demonstrate good value for money (both to the department and the NIHR SPCR); applications that demonstrate capacity building will be prioritised; applications will be reviewed by a widely representative Board (including qualitative and quantitative expertise, PPI, and with a mix of Clinicals and Scientists present; both MCR and ECR are eligible to apply as PI; all applications must include at least 10% admin time (mid point grade 6); the PI must be employed by PCPH at the time of application and until the start date of the project; costs from external institutions can be included but should normally not exceed a maximum of 5% of the total award - applications with costs of the award for external institutions should provide a detailed justification, and additional details should be provided if costs to flow externally are in excess of 5%

Timeline for costings and the NSPCR SPCR IV FR5



1St February

Launch of Funding Round 5

1st - 28th February

JM/BP to create costings on Worktribe and make any necessary amendments/recommendations. Contact the PI’s if applicable and other institutions for costs

7th March

Final applications to be submitted to JM/BP

23rd March

Internal Panel Review

7th April

SPCR Closing Date – Chosen applications to be submitted to Georgina

12th May

SPCR Board meeting Date

By end of May 2022

Outcome communicated by the SPCR

Application Process

An application comprises of :

If you interested in applying for this round and would like to see what successful applications look like, please get in touch with Jeshma Mehta.