
Institute of Epidemiology & Health Care


E-Health Unit

The eHealth Unit was established by Elizabeth Murray in 2003 to explore the use of new information and communication technologies, such as the internet and mobile phones, to improve health and health care. It is now one of the foremost e-health units internationally, with a strong multi-disciplinary focus and expertise across a wide range of research methods. 

You can watch a short video on the work of the eHealth Unit below.

There are three main streams of work:

1. Interventions

We develop and evaluate interventions for the public and patients. We are currently working on interventions in three areas:

Alcohol Our unit was involved in the development and evaluation of Down Your Drink (DYD), an online intervention for hazardous alcohol consumption. We are now researching people's views on drinking and the use of an online screening tool.  For more information please follow the links below:

Sexual Health - Our sexual health team develop and evaluate online interventions to improve sexual health.  Previous projects include Sexunzipped, the MenSS website and SexTherapy London.  We are currently conducting a review of Digital Media for Sexual Health.  Follow the links below for more information.

Type 2 Diabetes -  We have developed and are currently evaluating an online intervention, called HeLP Diabetes, to improve self-management in diabetes.  Follow the link below for more information.

2. Implementation

We have an interest in implementation of ehealth and new technology in health care systems.  This stream includes work on the Normalisation Process Theory (NPM peer learning group) and led to the development of the ehealth Implementation Toolkit as part of an SDO-funded grant (EH 94).

3. Interactions

Our third work stream focuses on understanding interactions between health care professionals and patients. This stream is led by Fiona Stevenson and uses qualitative research methods such as discourse analysis and conversation analysis to better understand interactions between clinicians and patients and the likely impact of eHealth interventions.