Director of the Institute of Infection Immunity and Inflammation. Extensive experience in leading multi-centre programmes nationally and internationally. He is Director of the Scottish MRC Clinical Pharmacology and Pathology Clinical PhD Training Programme, Chief investigator for the Scottish Early RA Cohort (SERA) and the related SMS-IC biomarker discovery programme, PROMISERA, and Chief investigator of numerous global phase II and III clinical trials of novel immune therapies. He has served as member or chair of numerous national grant-funding panels and as Chair of several EULAR Scientific Committees. He is immediate past chairman of the Foreum (Foundation for European Rheumatology Research) Scientific Committee, leads the European Roadmap programme that is defining the research agenda for rheumatology for the next decade and has just been elected Treasurer of EULAR. He was elected a Fellow of the Royal Society of Edinburgh in 2008 and the Academy of Medical Sciences in 2012.
Research Interests
Research interests include understanding the role of cytokines in inflammatory synovitis. He leads a trials unit specialising in the use of biologic agents in early clinical trials in inflammatory arthritis. Professor McInnes has published widely in the areas of immunobiology and rheumatology, and is an Associate Editor of the Annals of Rheumatic Diseases and a member of the executive Editorial Board of European Journal of Immunology. His work, together with that of his colleagues at the University of Glasgow, has been recognised in receipt of many prizes and lectureships including most recently the Sir James Black medal 2015 from the Royal Society of Edinburgh.
Key publications
Mease PJ, McInnes IB, Kirkham B, Kavanaugh A, Rahman P, van der Heijde D,Landewe R, Nash P, Pricop L, Yuan J, Richards HB, Mpofu S; FUTURE 1 Study Group. Secukinumab Inhibition of Interleukin-17A in Patients with Psoriatic Arthritis. New Engl J Med. 2015 Oct;373(14):1329-39.
McInnes IB, Mease PJ, Kirkham B, Kavanaugh A, Ritchlin CT, Rahman P, van der Heijde D, Landewe R, Conaghan PG, Gottlieb AB, Richards H, Pricop L, Ligozio G, Patekar M, Mpofu S; FUTURE 2 Study Group. Secukinumab, a human anti-interleukin-17A monoclonal antibody, in patients with psoriatic arthritis (FUTURE 2): a randomised, double-blind, placebo-controlled, phase 3 trial. Lancet. 2015 Sep 19;386(9999):1137-46.
Charles-Schoeman C, Fleischmann R, Davignon J, Schwartz H, Turner SM, Beysen C, Milad M, Hellerstein MK, Luo Z, Kaplan IV, Riese R, Zuckerman A, McInnes IB. Potential mechanisms leading to the abnormal lipid profile in patients with rheumatoid arthritis versus healthy volunteers and reversal by tofacitinib. Arthritis Rheumatol. 2015 Mar;67(3):616-25.
McInnes IB, Kavanaugh A, Gottlieb AB, Puig L, Rahman P, Ritchlin C, Brodmerkel C, Li S, Wang Y, Mendelsohn AM, Doyle MK; PSUMMIT 1 Study Group. Efficacy and safety of ustekinumab in patients with active psoriatic arthritis: 1 year results of the phase 3, multicentre, double-blind, placebo-controlled PSUMMIT 1 trial. Lancet. 2013 Aug 31;382(9894):780-9.
Millar NL, Gilchrist DS, Akbar M, Reilly JH, Kerr SC, Campbell AL, Murrell GA, Liew FY, Kurowska-Stolarska M, McInnes IB. MicroRNA29a regulates IL-33-mediated tissue remodelling in tendon disease. Nature Commun. 2015 Apr 10;6:6774.