Prof. Peter Openshaw (Imperial College) - email
Exemplar Projects
29 July 2020
MRC launches a new Experimendal Medicine funding call
March 2020
All 5 EMINENT clinical research fellows are appointed. Fellows are jointly supported by GSK/NIHR-BRCs and MRC and are based at each partner intitution
15 January 2020
EMINENT 3rd Science Day is held at GSK Stevenage
10 Sept 2019
The EMINENT programme undergoes a successfull mid-term review and is awarded £3M over three years to a total of £8M
2 August 2017EMINENT aligned, NIHR-BRC/ GSK funded Clinical Research Associate opportunity (University of Cambridge)
1 May 2017EMINENT Science Day 2017 - meeting report
22 July 2015EMINENT Initiative - Cambridge key player in the successful £16 million consortium bid to crack difficult inflammatory diseases (University of Cambridge)15 July 2015MRC, GSK and universities collaborate to crack difficult disease areas (MRC)UCL to coordinate £16m project to crack difficult disease areas (UCL)Experts collaborate to crack difficult disease areas (Newcastle University)MRC and GSK venture to crack difficult disease areas (European Pharmaceutical Manufacturer)