A walk down memory lane for the Class of 1972
4 October 2022
UCL Electronic and Electrical Engineering (EEE) welcomed back alumni on a nostalgic tour of the department.

Deepak Arya, Rashmi Doshi, Steve Clay and Anil Kumar took a walk down memory lane, returning to the department to celebrate their 50th graduation anniversary.
During the tour they had an opportunity to re-visit the Sir Eric Ash teaching lab (known simply as “the lab” in the 70s), Optical Networks Group lab, Cullen Room (named in honor of Professor Cullen) and the Sir Ambrose Fleming lecture hall – where the former students first formed lifelong friendships as EEE undergraduates.
They shared anecdotes about memorable experiences of learning under the leadership of two of EEE’s most renowned (but “very tough”) Heads of Department, Sir Eric Ash and Professor Cullen.
Deepak Arya, who first contacted UCL’s International team requesting a visit, said of the tour:
“We had a very memorable day which everyone enjoyed. The tour of the department proved very informative and showed how things have changed since we were students at UCL! The subsequent walking tour of the college showed us how little we knew about UCL as a whole, despite spending three years here. Thank you to Navta and her colleagues in the department who took time to organize the tour and explain what they were working on in the department. All in all, a very successful visit.
The former EEE students stated they all went on to pursue further careers in Engineering, within industry or, in the case of Anil Kumar, setting up one of India’s largest import/export businesses. In their own words, their time at EEE - from an academic and personal viewpoint - set them in good stead for the real world.
Some memories shared
Deepak, Rashmi, Steve and Anil shared some wonderful memories from their time here at UCL, including: a prospectus issued in 1968; a document detailing admission requirements with an associated (and riveting) image of the Engineering Building; a Faculty of Engineering departmental list.
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