Seminar: Nanophotonic integration on an indium phosphide membrane
02 July 2019, 10:30 am–11:30 am

A seminar about new photonic integration platform based on an InP membrane
Event Information
Open to
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- Yes
Dr Katarzyna Balakier
Barlow RoomRoberts BuildingTorrington PlaceLondonWC1E 7JE
Photonic integration technology based on the InP material system have been playing a critical role in the telecommunication industry. Its complete functionalities together with its compactness and high reliability, makes it an attractive platform for various applications using the 1300-2000 nm wavelength band. Currently InP photonic chips are made with micron-sized structures which limit the density and the performance. TU Eindhoven is researching on an InP photonic integration platform on a 300-nm thin membrane, that features much higher density, faster speed and lower cost. The intrinsic high-performance optical amplification together with sub-micron waveguide circuits can be a promising candidate for wireless communication and sensing. Vertical integration with control electronics enables low-parasitics and scalable assembly. In this talk recent progresses on this InP membrane platform will be discussed.
About the Speaker
Dr Yuqing Jiao
at Eindhoven University of Technology