
UCL Educational Psychology


Jane Lang

Research Fellow, UCL

BA (Hons), MA (Ed), PGCE (PCET)

Email: jane.lang@ucl.ac.uk

Jane Lang

After completing her first degree Jane worked as a research assistant at the Royal Brompton Hospital, London. She has a PGCE in Post-Compulsory Education and an MA in Education. She joined the team at UCL in 2000.

Her research has included collaboration in investigations into current trends in educational psychology supervision in the UK, developing a competency framework for training of educational psychologists working with young people aged 16-25 years, an evaluation of objective structured professional assessments (OSPAs) in educational psychology training, an exploration of consultation training for educational and child psychologists in the UK and professional perspectives on practice in relation to transitions for young people aged 16-25 with special education needs and disabilities.

Jane supports educational psychology trainees in the use of qualitative data analysis software and she is co-ordinator for the objective structured professional assessments (OSPAs).