Studied Orthodontics MClinDent

I chose to study at UCL Eastman because it is the largest postgraduate dental school in Europe and has a reputation as one of the world’s-leading academic centres for dentistry and postgraduate research. In addition, UCL has an outstanding international reputation and is one of the top 15 Universities worldwide
I thoroughly enjoyed all aspects of the MClinDent programme at the Institute. The clinical and academic teaching is world class and the research opportunities within the institute are exceptional. I was fully supported throughout my own research and all students are actively encouraged to apply for prizes and awards at national and international level. For my MClinDent project I was jointly awarded the Houston Postgraduate Research Scholar Award by the British Orthodontic Society.
Since graduating, I have been working within the department of orthodontics at the Eastman Dental Hospital as a specialist orthodontist. I will shortly be commencing further training in the speciality to become a consultant orthodontist.
Studying at the Eastman has given me an excellent platform to start my orthodontic career. It has given me opportunities to publish and present my research at national and international conferences and also develop my own teaching experience.