
Eastman Dental Institute


2023 senior academic promotions at UCL Eastman

6 July 2023

Congratulations to Dr Natalie Leow and Dr Jacopo Buti who have been promoted to Associate Professor in Periodontology and Professor of Periodontology respectively in this year's senior academic promotions at UCL.

Natalie Leow Jacopo Buti

Prof Natalie Leow is a Clinical Lecturer and Deputy Programme Director, MClinDent Periodontology at UCL Eastman. Natalie studied for her undergraduate dental degree (Bachelor of Dental Surgery) and her three-year postgraduate specialisation (Master of Dental Science in Periodontology) at the University of Sydney, Australia.  She won an ITI scholarship (International Team of Implantology) to further her educational experience at Harvard School of Dental Medicine, Boston, USA. Following her return to Australia and working for a number of years in private specialty practice, she joined UCL Eastman Dental Institute to pursue an acaemic career. 

"This is a remarkable achievement reflecting the hard work and endeavours of Natalie and Jacopo. Congratulations and well done to both," said Professor Stephen Porter, Director of UCL Eastman.