EMERG: The Early Modern Wound
23 November 2017, 5:00 pm–7:00 pm

Early Modern English Reading Group [EMERG] - seminar 2
Event Information
Open to
- All
Institute of Advanced StudiesGower StreetLONDONWC1E 6BTUnited Kingdom
Thank you so much to everyone who turned up to the first meeting of the Early Modern English Reading Group and to all who contributed to making it a thoroughly enjoyable evening.
Now, prepare to bare your vulnerabilities for our second meeting which will prod, poke and probe the early modern wound. Amongst the selected texts, you’ll find extracts from Thomas Johnson’s English translation of Ambroise Paré’s seminal surgical writings; two contemplations of Christ’s wounds, provided by Donne and Southwell; and, an intriguing note from Thomas Walkley, the editor of Beaumont and Fletcher’s Philaster, or Love Lies a-Bleeding, who figures print defects as ‘dangerous and gaping wounds’. As always, we very much encourage you to bring along your own texts or images to share with the group.
If you have any questions, please just email either luke.prendergast.16@ucl.ac.uk or harvey.wiltshire.15@ucl.ac.uk