

© 2005 Wim Mellaerts and Virtual Department of Dutch, University College London (UCL)

Concept, text and images

Wim Mellaerts.

Layout and design

Media Resources, University College London (UCL).

Copyrighted sources

Cauwelaert, Frans van, ´De kern der Vlaamsche Beweging´, Ons Leven, 1908: courtesy of copyright holder (Dr. Ph. Van Cauwelaert).

Vermeylen, August, ´Kritiek der Vlaamsche Beweging´, Van Nu en Straks, 1896: waiting for permission from copyright holder.

Copyrighted illustrations

The author gratefully acknowledges the permissions granted by the following institutions to use copyrighted images:

Majesteitsschennis in België (caricature); Weg met de dwingelandij!! (poster); In Vlaanderen Vlaamsch (postcard); “Moi je suis d’une race destinée...” (caricature); Vlaamse en Waalse regimenten, anders niets!! (print); portraits of Jan-Baptist David, Hendrik Conscience, Guido Gezelle, Julius MacLeod, Lodewijk de Raet, August Vermeylen and Frans van Cauwelaert:  AMVC-Letterenhuis (Antwerp); @museum.antwerpen.be/amvc_letterenhuis

Clauwaert ende Gheus; portraits of Jan Frans Willems and Julius Vuylsteke: Liberaal Archief (Gent); @www.liberaalarchief.be

Les ministres flandrins (caricature); Helleputte and Albert I (caricature): Fonds d´Histoire du Mouvement Wallon (FHMW) (Liège);
; @www.prov-liege.be

Every effort has been made to gain permission to use the sources and images in this study pack. If you feel you have a claim, please do not hesitate to contact us at:

Virtual Department of Dutch
Department of Dutch
University College London
Gower Street
London WC1E 6BT
United Kingdom