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| Couperus Quiz |

The questions below take you through the text, further testing your understanding of words, sentences, and Couperus's style of writing.

First extract:

1) Sentence 1: 'ener' is a rather dated construction indicating a possessive. What is the more common equivalent? Can you find a similar construction in the first sentence?

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2) Sentence 2: What does the phrase 'als met fluweel gecapittonneerde omgeving' suggest?

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3) Sentences 1 and 2: Eline's nerves are compared to the 'vezelen ener bloem'. Couperus prepares the reader for this 'botanical' reference in the first sentence by using a particular *verb. Which one?

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4) Sentence 3: What does the *pronoun 'dit' refer to?

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5) Sentence 4: Explain the phrase 'Betsy's volbloediger leven'. Which form of the *adjective is used?

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6) Sentence 4: How are we to understand the phrase 'waardoor zij haar psychische bestaan bijna geheel in het wezen der [S] zuster kon dringen'. Who is 'zij' and who is the 'zuster'?

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Second extract:

1) Sentence 1: The opening sentence contains one of Couperus's favourite stylistic features: repetition. Identify the repeated phrases. How may repetition be related to a naturalist style of writing?

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2) Sentence 2: Can you find other examples of repetition in the second sentence?

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3) Sentence 3: We have seen how Vincent is convinced of the irrevocability of fate. This awareness makes him deeply unhappy. Look at sentence 3 again and try to find the internal paradox.

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4) Sentence 4-6: What could be the meaning of the three dots ending the sentences?

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5) Sentence 7: Explain the phrase 'prikkeling van zenuwen'.

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