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| English Summary of the extracts from Eline Vere |

The first extract is taken from chapter III, part II and describes the character of the two sisters, Eline and Betsy. Eline is portrayed as a nervous and delicate young woman, who is very sensitive and easily upset. Betsy is very much Eline's opposite: energetic, practical, and quite prepared to take control when needed. Couperus suggests how Betsy's resolute and dominant nature is primed by Eline's emotional dependence.

The second extract is taken from chapter X, part IV and describes Vincent Vere's various sensations while he is out socialising with his friends. He reflects on the idea that he can never leave behind his own self. Since he would like to be able to live in different eras and each time as a different character, this thought fills him with sadness. He realizes that his desire to change is both futile and childish as nothing can escape the power of fate. Vincent loses himself in his reveries, but is soon brought back to reality. He joins in with his friends' laughter, even though he has no idea what the conversation has been about.

You can now read and study the two excerpts in the original Dutch (>link)