UCL Greek and Latin case study for UCL Departmental Usage of the Bloomsbury Theatre 2022
Since 1987, the Department of Greek & Latin at UCL has teamed up with the Bloomsbury Theatre to stage a student production of a Greek or Latin play every year (a comedy, a tragedy, or an epic - here is a work-in-progress archive of all productions staged since 1987).
This is now one of the most famous and long-running commitments to the modern production of ancient Greek and Latin drama in the world. It usually attracts large audiences, many of whom are school students studying English, or Drama, or Classical Civilisation, and university students from various departments.
(The 2022 Classics set – designed by UCL students)
Since 1987, the Department of Greek & Latin at UCL has teamed up with the Bloomsbury Theatre to stage a student production of a Greek or Latin play every year (a comedy, a tragedy, or an epic - here is a work-in-progress archive of all productions staged since 1987).
This is now one of the most famous and long-running commitments to the modern production of ancient Greek and Latin drama in the world. It usually attracts large audiences, many of whom are school students studying English, or Drama, or Classical Civilisation, and university students from various departments.
This year we have had about 2,200 visitors inc primary/secondary schools from both public and private schools inc Camden based schools.
This is one of the most exciting moments of the students' careers at UCL: not only do they get to perform and direct in a professional theatre like the Bloomsbury, but they also hugely benefit from the experienced team of theatre professionals that the Bloomsbury offers. Some students have used this as a first step into a career in theatre, whether as an actor, director, or producer.
(Twitter post showcasing the 2022 show banner which was designed by UCL students, and always appears outside of the Greek and Latin building)
But, for the many school students who come to see the play, this occasion also represents their very first encounter with theatre and ancient drama. Indeed, for the three days in which the production runs, students are also introduced to the world of Greek drama, the themes of the play, and theatre practice in a series of talks, theatre workshops and supplementary material posted online, designed and organised by the academic advisor.
In the past two years, we have also built a free digital 'Living Archive' of the productions, containing costume designs, photos from the workshops and rehearsals, as well as academic contributions on the themes of the play.
We have also opened such archive to the wider public, who contributes with pieces inspired by the play being performed. You can check out this year's Study Guide, Pre-Show Talks, and Living Archive.
Lately, we have also started sharing UCL's experiences with staging a Greek/Latin play with other universities which have this long-standing tradition too, amongst which the University of Oxford and King's College London.
Here, you can listen to a podcast with last year's artistic and production teams from UCL, King's and Oxford, and here to an interview with academics who have been involved in organising and staging a Greek/Latin play and collaborated with the students, Prof. Fiona Macintosh (Oxford), Dr David Bullen (King's), and Dr Giovanna Di Martino (UCL).
Submitted by Dr Giovanna Di Martino (2022)