

Flaxman Exchange
Artist commission
March 2013

Marcia Farquhar confesses to taking places personally. Her site specific tours of UCL addressed schisms, sculpture, memory, pictorial lies, profanity and femininity.


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Filmed by Tom Chick. Click here to view more video and images.

Marcia Farquhar led, or misled, a tour of the newly refurbished Flaxman Gallery and other significant spaces of UCL. 'To find out where you are going you must come', she says.

Farquhar has made it a significant aspect of her practice to question and deconstruct the role of the tour guide. Her performance persona in this context is very much herself, the outsider/ insider imbued with the understanding that history is in the process of being made and as such is always 'half made'.

Farquhar's method of stitching together the factual and the fictional, critical analysis with myth and personal anecdote is the work of a consummate surrealist composer.

Each tour was unique.

Marcia Farqhar's approach to site-specificity weaves together conceptual and social strategies that permit us to unravel institutional and personal histories, and explore the complex relations between fictions and truth.

Supported by Arts Council England. Curated by Nina Pearlman.

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