
Centre for Research on Evolution, Search and Testing (CREST)


CREST 10 Year Anniversary Celebrations

2 September 2016

A special 10th anniversary CREST Open Workshop featuring CREST research took place on a cruise.

10th anniversary CREST cruise

The Centre for Research on Evolution, Search and Testing (CREST), was founded on the 28th June 2006 at King's College London. On 1 August 2010, the entire centre, some 25 people, moved from King's College London to University College London following the acquisition of the centre by UCL.

Since its inception in 2006, the Centre has grown from two faculty, three postdoctoral researchers and three PhD students, to six faculty, nine postdoctoral researchers, and eighteen PhD students, supported by a full-time administrator.

Throughout these 10 years, the CREST centre has focused on drawing together research on program analysis, computational search and software engineering. Its research work has been used by many well-known organisations, including Amazon, Daimler, Ericsson, GCHQ, Google, Huawei, Microsoft, and Visa.

Since 2009, the centre has hosted 47 CREST Open Workshops (COWs), drawing together the software engineering practitioner and research community to focus on challenging problems, solutions, and agenda-setting.

To celebrate the 10th anniversary, there was a special 10th anniversary CREST Open Workshop, featuring CREST research. This took place on Wednesday 7 September 2016. Following the workshop, there was a dinner, drinks and entertainment, on a specially-chartered CREST evening cruise along London's famous Thames river.

This anniversary cruise celebration was made possible by the kind support of our gold sponsor, Huawei, and our silver sponsor Zühlke, whose generous contributions to the cost of the event we gratefully acknowledge.