The 66th CREST Open Workshop - SSBSE Challenge Track: Collaborative Jam Session
18 March 2024–19 March 2024, 10:00 am–5:00 pm
The 16th Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering is hosting a Challenge Track. This Challenge track is a good opportunity for new researchers to join the SBSE community and develop a taste and gain practical expertise in the field. It also allows researchers to apply techniques and tools to real-world software and to discover novel practical (or even theoretical) challenges for future work.
Event Information
Open to
- All
- Sold out
Dr Karine Even-Mendoza, Dr Héctor Menendez, King's College London, UK, and Prof Justyna Petke, Prof Federica Sarro, CREST Centre, University College London, UK
Room: FWB 2.48Franklin-Wilkins Building, King's College London - Waterloo CampusStamford StreetLondonSE1 9NHUnited Kingdom
The 16th Symposium on Search Based Software Engineering is hosting a Challenge Track:
The SSBSE Challenge track is a good opportunity for new researchers to join the SBSE community and develop a taste and gain practical expertise in the field. It also allows researchers to apply techniques and tools to real-world software and to discover novel practical (or even theoretical) challenges for future work.
The CREST centre at UCL is a long-standing contributor of accepted papers to the Challenge Track. Their sustained success can be attributed in part to the organisation of a Jam Session in preparation for the Challenge Track submission deadline, as part of the CREST Open Workshops (COW). This Jam Session runs over two consecutive days.
The purpose of this CREST open workshop is to draw together those in the community interested in collaborating on submissions for this challenge. The workshop will act, in part, as a collaboration brokerage, helping to facilitate and foster collaborations between different subgroups attending the workshop. The emphasis of the workshop will be on collaboration with a view to producing high quality submissions to the challenge track.
Policy on Student Registrations
We welcome registrations from PhD students, where the student is pursuing a programme of research for which the COW will provide intellectual benefit and/or from whom the workshop and its other attendees will gain benefit. We do not normally expect to register students other than those on PhD level programmes of study. For example, those students taking a course at the equivalent of UK masters or bachelors level would not, ordinarily, be considered eligible to register for COW. However, we are willing to consider exceptional cases, where a masters or bachelors student has a clear contribution to make to the topic of the COW. In all cases, students must have the approval of their supervisor/advisor for their attendance at the COW and their consent to the terms of registration. This is why we ask that students seeking to register for a COW also supply the contact details of their supervisor.
Cancellation Fee
Please appreciate that numbers are limited and catering needs to be booked in advance, so registration followed by non-attendance will cause difficulties. For this reason, though the workshop is entirely free of charge, there will be a cancellation fee of £100 for those who register but subsequently fail to attend.
Getting There
The COW wil be held in the Franklin-Wilkins Building, Room FWB 2.48. From the main entrance, go straight upstairs, pass the library on the right, climb up stairs on the left, to the second floor. On the second floor turn left, and walk down the corridor till you get to blue lockers on the left, in between which you will find room FWB 2.48.
Day 1
10:00 -10:30 Welcome + Introductions
10:30 -11:00 Introduction to the Challenge Track
11:00 -12:00 Tutorial on Quantum Computing and Generative AI
12:00 -12:30 Divide into groups
12:30 -13:30 Lunch
13:30 -14:00 Further Discussion and Slide Preparation
14:00 -15:00 Presentations
15:00 -15:30 Tea/Coffee
15:30 -17:00 Divide into Groups, Start Detailed Planning, Work in Groups
Day 2
10:00 -10:30 Recap of Proposals
10:30 -12:30 Working in Groups
12:30 -13:30 Lunch
13:30 -15:00 Presentation of Initial Results
15:00 -15:30 Tea/Coffee
15:30 -17:00 Working in Groups Towards Paper Submission
Carol Hanna | University College London, UK |
Bill langdon | University College London, UK |
Justyna Petke | University College London, UK |
Jingzhi Gong | Loughborough University, UK |
Yazhuo Cao | King’s College London, UK |
Eñaut Mendiluze | Simula Research Laboratory, Norway |
ChengwenDu | University of Birmingham, UK |
Yulong Ye | University of Birmingham, UK |
Federica Sarro | University College London, UK |
Karine Even-Mendoza | King’s College London, UK |
Mar Zamorano López | University College London, UK |
Avner Bensoussan | King’s College London, UK |
Guoming Long | Loughborough University, UK |
Hector D Menendez | King's College London, UK |
Giordano d’Aloisio | Università degli Studi dell'Aquila, Italy |
Daniel Fortunato | University of Porto, Portugal |
Guillermo Iglesias | Universidad Politécnica de Madrid, Spain |
Sophie Fortz | King's College London, UK |
David Williams | University College London, UK |
Sisi Li | University College London, UK |
Arindam Sharma | Imperial College London, UK |
Anastasiia Grishina | Simula Research Laboratory, Norway |
Daniel Blackwell | University College London, UK |