Design and Print Help
"Our aim is to provide services of the highest quality at an affordable cost, without compromising creativity."
— UCL Educational Media
Graphics / Design / Illustration
Help for graphics, design and illustraton services.
Graphic Design
Help and advice for graphic design.
Help and advice for illustrations.
Animation and Motion Graphics
Help and advice for animation and motion graphics.
Design Consultation Services
Help for design consultation services.
Posters and Large Format Printing
Help for posters and large format printing services.
Designing Your Poster
Help and advice on how to design your poster.
Submitting Your Poster
Help and advice on submitting your poster for printing.
Poster Downloads
Useful poster templates and documents for download.
Case Studies - Posters and Large Format Printing
Case studies showing real world examples of poster printing jobs undertaken by UCL Educational Media.
Service Charges
Indicative prices and costs for Creative Production services.