Sir David Attenborough visits the Cosmoparticle Hub
17 April 2018
The Cosmoparticle Hub was honoured by a visit from Sir David Attenborough during the celebrations to mark the occasion of the re-opening of the Kathleen Lonsdale building.

The Kathleen Lonsdale building houses the Earth Sciences Department as well as members of the Physics and Astronomy, Maths, and Chemistry Departments. During his visit to the Hub, Sir David heard about dark matter and dark energy from Martin Rey and Luisa Lucie-Smith and about the Antarctic balloon-borne neutrino experiment ANITA from Linda Cremonesi; he saw cosmic rays in a cloud chamber demonstrated by Chris Pedersen and Linda Cremonesi. His visit to the hub was completed with a talk about the creation of the art work Cosmoparticle by Penelope Rose Cowley.
Sir David was honoured during the visit by the presentation of the ceramic sculpture of the newly discovered species of ocean plankton named Syracosphaera azureaplaneta in honour of the BBC’s Blue Planet series.

Martin Rey and Luisa Lucie-Smith talk about dark energy and dark matter.

Linda Cremonesi describes the Antarctic balloon-borne neutrino experiment ANITA.

Sir David holds the ceramic sculpture of the newly discovered plankton.