2 June 2016
What are the likely effects of Brexit on politics within other member states? Would Brexit change remaining member states' relationships with the EU? Would it affect decision-making within member states? We will explore how these issues might play out in a diverse range of member states, including Ireland - the UK's closest neighbour -, long-standing member states such as Germany and the Netherlands, and newer members such as Poland and Romania.
Speakers include:
- Agata Gostyńska-Jakubowska, Research Fellow at the Centre for European Reform and former Senior Research Fellow at the Polish Institute of International Affairs
- Dr Sara Hagemann, Assistant Professor, LSE European Institute
- Alan Posener, Correspondent on Politics and Society for Die Welt
- Brian O'Connell, UK Consultant Director of the British Irish Chamber of Commerce and former London Editor for RTE News
- Dr Alan Renwick, Deputy Director of the Constitution Unit
Organised jointly by the UCL Constitution Unit, UCL European Institute and UCL School of Public Policy.