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PhD Students
News and Events
Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence studentship for 2018-19 available
This 4-year studentship is funded by EPSRC and is open to UK applicants. The PhD training and research will be carried out within CoMPLEX, supervised jointly by Dr Caswell Barry (Cell & Developmental Biology, UCL) and Dr Lewis Griffin (Computer Science, UCL) with secondary supervision provided by Dr Charles Blundell (Deepmind & Gatsby, UCL).
Applications will be accepted until 12PM on 14th September 2018 but the position will be filled as soon as an appropriate candidate is found. For more details about this studentship and the application process please click here
UPDATE: 2018/19 Applications Now Open
1 Dec 2017
Applications are now open for 2018/19 admission to the MRes Modelling Biological Complexity. We are now accepting applications from self-funding candidates for the MRes programme. The deadline for applications for this programme is 31st August 2018. Only complete applications submitted by this date will be considered. Unfortunately, there are no funded places on offer for 2018/19.
Complex supervisor Yanlan Mao wins L'Oreal-UNESCO award for Women In Science
7 Jun 2018
The award aims to provide women with practical financial support to help keep them in the scientific community. Dr Mao won the award for her work exploring cell and tissue repair after injury, which could ultimately help scar reduction and advanced wound healing. Click here to read more.
Tumour growth can be predicted by computer
6 Jun 2018
CoMPLEX student Marc Williams and Dr Chris Barnes, in collaboration with Andrea Sottoriva (Institute of Cancer Research) and Trevor Graham (Barts Cancer Institute), have created a computer program that lets them model how a patient's tumour will grow, in the same way that forecasters predict the weather. Click here to read more.
Navigating with grid-like representations in artificial agent
12May 2018
In the latest paper published in Nature by one of CoMPLEX students, an artificial agent is developed to test the theory that grid cells support vector-based navigation, in keeping with the overarching philosophy that algorithms used for AI can meaningfully approximate elements of the brain. Click here to read more.
Prof Charles Swanton and Prof Peter Dayan elected Fellows of the Royal Society
9 May 2018
These affiliated CoMPLEX supervisors, have been elected as Fellows of the Royal Society in recognition of their outstanding contributions to research and innovation that benefit humanity.Click here to read more.
Neuro-AI Forging Links Between Neuroscience and Artificial Intelligence Symposium
23 Mar 2018
On Monday 19 March 2018, UCL's Centre for Computation, Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology (CoMPLEX), in association with UCL's Neuroscience Domain hosted 200 researchers at an afternoon symposium entitled "Neuro-AI - Forging Closer Links between Neuroscience and Machine Learning". Click here to read more.
Women in Mathematical Sciences Lunch
16 Mar 2018
All female students and staff in CoMPLEX have also been invited this year to Women in Mathematical Sciences taking place on Friday, 15th June. Lunch will be preceded by a talk from Professor Helen Wilson entitled Instabilities in Viscoelastic Fluids: a long story. If you are interested in attending this seminar between 11:00-12:00 on 15th June 2018. The registration is for the lunch only and the deadline of registration is 8th June 2018.
70% of students in our MRes Modelling Biological Complexity this academic year are female. CoMPLEX is now working to maintain a similar ratio also for future cohorts with a range of initiatives being rolled out shortly encouraging female candidates to apply to the programme .
Huge interest in AI and Biosciences meeting!
4 Dec 2017
In September CoMPLEX (@UCL) joined forces with @benevolent_ai, @turinginst, @TheCrick and @wellcometrust for a major @KQ_London AI and biosciences meeting. Click here to read more.
CoMPLEX joins Computer Science
5 Aug 2016
CoMPLEX became part of the Computer Science department in the Faculty of Engineering in 1st August 2016.