



The UCL Centre for Computation, Mathematics and Physics in the Life Sciences and Experimental Biology OLD

CoMPLEX is UCL's centre for interdisciplinary research in the medical and life sciences. 

It brings together life and medical scientists with mathematicians, physical scientists, computer scientists and engineers to tackle the challenges arising from complexity in biology and medicine. This approach provides an active and intellectually stimulating environment for our PhD students on the CoMPLEX research program, for inter-disciplinary seminars and workshops and for research project meetings. 

Launched in 1998 as a virtual centre, CoMPLEX is now part of the Computer Science department in the Faculty of Engineering. UCL Computer Science department is a global leader in research in experimental computer science. In the 2014 Research Excellence Framework (REF) evaluation UCL was ranked in first place for Computer Science, out of 89 Universities assessed, and considerably ahead of other Institutions. 61% of its research work is rated as world-leading (the highest possible category) and 96% of its research work is rated as internationally excellent.







 Athena Swan

Women in Computer Science is for information about departmental strategies, including networking opportunities, events, career support, and school outreach activities.

If you have any questions, feedback, or would like to get involved with the CS Athena SWAN Steering Committee, please contact us via women-in-cs@cs.ucl.ac.uk

If you would like to find out more about the CoMPLEX MRes from our female students please watch this video.