Honorary Research Fellow
Email: susanlupack@mac.com
Research Interests:
Linear B studies, in particular the intersection between the economy and the religious sector of Mycenaean society and issues relating to extra-palatial exchange networks. Bronze Age archaeology, intensive survey methodology, excavation techniques, and all periods of Bronze Age ceramics.
I was born and raised in New York City and obtained my B.A. in Classics at New York University. After working in publishing for four years (still in NY), I made a big jump to attend graduate school at the University of Texas at Austin, where I obtained my Master's in Latin and my Ph.D. in Classics with a concentration in Classical Archaeology. During my graduate career I was fortunate enough to spend two years in Greece at the American School of Classical Studies.
I have enjoyed teaching a wide range of classical subjects at the University of Texas at Austin, Brooklyn College (back in NY), and more recently at University College London, with which I have been affiliated since 2005. In addition to writing publications that are concerned with the economy and society of Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Greece, I have also been co-directing (with Dr. Burns of Wellesley College and Dr. Burke of Victoria University) the Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project (EBAP). From 2007-2010 EBAP's main focus was an intensive surface survey of an area between Thebes and the Euboean Gulf. In June 2011, we began the next stage of our project: the excavation of a multi-period site long thought to be ancient Eleon. During this past season's excavations our trial trenches revealed an abundance of Late Bronze Age material, including pictorial pottery, figurines, bone pins, antlers, boars' tusks, and several architectural features. Next season we will be expanding our number of trenches and promises to be even more exciting.
Books, authored:
2008. The Role of the Religious Sector in the Economy of Late Bronze Age Mycenaean Greece, BAR International Series 1858, Oxford: Archaeopress.
Articles in edited volumes:
2010. "Minoan Religion," in The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (ca. 3000-1000 BCE), ed.: E.H. Cline, Oxford University Press, pp. 251-262.
2010. "Mycenaean Religion," in The Oxford Handbook of the Bronze Age Aegean (ca. 3000-1000 BCE), ed.: E.H. Cline, Oxford University Press, pp. 263-276.
2008. "The Northeast Building of Pylos and An 1281," in The Proceedings of the 12th International Mycenological Colloquium, vol. II, eds.: A. Sacconi, L. Godart and M. Del Freo, Biblioteca di Pasiphae series, Rome, pp. 467-484.
2007. "Archaeology and Linear B: Finding a Balance," in The Proceedings of the 7th Annual Conference on Trade and Production in Premonetary Greece, ed.: C. Gillis, Gothenberg, pp. 1-16.
2006. "Deities and Religious Personnel as Collectors," in Fiscality in Mycenaean and Near Eastern Archives, ed.: M. Perna, Studi Egei e Vicinorientali vol. 3, Naples, pp. 89-108.
1999 (2007). "Palaces, Sanctuaries and Workshops: The Role of the Religious Sector in Mycenaean Economics," in Rethinking Mycenaean Palaces: New Interpretations of an Old Idea, eds.: W. Parkinson and M. Galaty, UCLA Press, pp. 25-34. (Note: a revised version of this volume appeared in 2007: pp. 54-65.)
"Offerings for the Wanax in the Fr Tablets: Ancestor Worship and the Maintenance of Power in Mycenaean Greece," in Ke-ra-me-ja: Festschrift in Honor of Dr. Cynthia Shelmerdine, eds.: J. Gulizio and D. Nakassis, Instap Academic Press, in proofs.
"Assessing Religious Hierarchies: Their Economic Influence on Mycenaean Society," in Palatial Economy in the Ancient Near East and the Aegean World, the 13th International Mycenological Colloquium held at Sevres, 17-23 September 2010, eds.: P. Carlier, F. Rougemont, J. Zurbach, in press.
"Oil and Perfume: The F and G Tablets," in The Handbook of Mycenology, ed.: M. Perna, Naples, in press.
"Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project 2007-2009," in the 3rd Archaeological Meeting of Thessaly and Central Greece, AETHSE 3. Co-authors: V. Aravantinos, B. Burke, B. Burns, Y. Fappas, in press.
Articles in academic journals:
2011. "A View from Outside the Palace: The Sanctuary and Damos in Mycenaean Economy and Society," AJA Forum 115, 207-217, Redistribution in Greek Bronze Age Societies, eds.: Galaty, Parkinson and Nakassis.
2010. "The Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project (EBAP), 2008-2009," in Teiresias: A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies, A. Schacter, ed., Vol. 39, part 2, autumn 2010. Co-authors: B. Burns and B. Burke.
2007. "The Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project (EBAP)," in Teiresias: A Review and Bibliography of Boiotian Studies, compiled by A. Schacter. Vol. 37: 25-27. Co-authors: B. Burns and B. Burke.
1999. "The Linear B Evidence for the Religious Sector's Involvement in Mycenaean Economics," in Recherches récentes en épigraphie créto-mycénienne, F. Rougemont and J.-P. Olivier, eds., BCH 122: 423-425.
"The Eastern Boeotia Archaeological Project 2007-2010: The Intensive Surface Survey I: Eleon," currently being prepared for submission to Hesperia. Co-authors: B. Burns and B. Burke.
"Pa-ki-ja-ne and its Religious Landholders," in The Proceedings of the 11th International Mycenological Colloquium, ed.: T. Palaima, in press with Hesperia as a supplement.