
Department of Greek & Latin


Past Productions

This page contains details on past productions of ancient plays which have been staged by the Department's staff and students at the UCL Bloomsbury Theatre.

There are also extensive study guides to help enhance your understanding of each play; click on the poster image of each play below to reveal more.

Material in this archive is © UCL Greek & Latin unless otherwise specified. 




2024: Euripides' Bacchae

Large poster showing the Bacchae in brown watercolour.

Archive and study guide

2023: Plato's Symposium

Green poster of greek busts in a circle with dotted lines connecting them

Archive and study guide 

2022: Euripides' Electra


Archive and study guide

2021: Odyssey Festival

Odyssey Classics Play Poster

2020: Aristophanes Frogs

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2019: Sophocles' Oedipus Rex
Oedipus Rex Classical Play
2018: Aristophanes Lysistrata

2017: Sophocles Antigone

2016: Menander Dyskolos

2015: Euripides Bacchae

2014: Aristophanes Clouds

2013: Euripides Trojan Women

2012: Euripides Hippolytus

2011: Aristophanes Lysistrata

2010: Aeschylus Choephori & Eumenides

2009: Aristophanes Frogs

2008: Aeschylus Agamemnon

2007: Aristophanes Acharnians

2006: Euripides Medea

2005: Aristophanes Knights

2004: Aristophanes Lysistrata

2003: Aristophanes Wasps

2002: Aeschylus Agamemnon

2001: Aristophanes Frogs

2000: Sophocles Oedipus the King

1999: Aristophanes Lysistrata

1998: Euripides Orestes

1997: Plautus Rope

1996: Euripides Bacchae

1995: Aristophanes Thesmophoriazousai

1994: Sophocles Oedipus at Colonus

1993: Aristophanes Frogs

1992: Aeschylus Choephoroi (The Libation Bearers)

1991: Aristophanes Wasps

1990: Sophocles Antigone

1989: Aristophanes Thesmophoriazusae

1988: Euripides Medea

1987: Aeschylus Agamemnon