Find out more about collaborators on the project.
Dr Andreas Hoepner
Andreas' research interests are interdisciplinary and primarily driven by his enthusiasm for making a societal impact, in particular on the Sustainable Development Goals 3, 5, 9, 13 and 16. His most notable research impact to date were the following three regulations published in the Official Journal of the European Union on December 3rd 2020, which are based on two publications Andreas' co-authored as independent member of the European Commission's Technical Expert Group on Sustainable Finance.
Dr Shoma Kitayama
Dr. Shoma Kitayama, is a Research Fellow in the School of Civil Engineering at the University of Leeds. He is working on the ICEC-MCM research project 2A about design for deconstruction of gypsum panels for facades with Dr Ornella Iuorio.
Dr Feja Lesniewska
Feja is a Research Fellow at the Institute of Sustainable Resources and the Faculty of Laws at UCL. Feja is working with Dr Teresa Domenech and Professor Eloise Scotford on project 3E looking at standards, regulations and policy for mineral-based Construction Materials.
Dr Chi Sun Poon
Prof. Poon obtained his PhD from Imperial College London. He is currently a chair professor and director of the Research Centre for Environmental Technology and Management at the Civil and Environmental Engineering Department. He has been a Changjiang Scholar Chair Professor since 2017. Prof. Poon specializes in the research and development of environmental-friendly construction materials, waste management, waste recycling technologies, and sustainable construction. He has published over 350 papers in international journals.
Dr Helmut Recherberger
Prof. Rechberger is the Head of the Research Centre for Waste and Resource Management. He teaches courses in Urban Metabolism, Resource Management, scientific Evaluation Methods, Waste Management and Technology, Waste Incineration.
Dr Brenda Parker
Brenda Parker is an Asociate Professor of Sustainable Bioprocess Design at University College London, having taken up the role in 2015. Her current research seeks to address the need for sustainable and scalable platforms for industrial biotechnology and bio-integrated design.
Dr Ewik Van Stijn
Stijn (pronounced "Stine") studies how modern societies use materials and energy, and the complex interactions between the environment, economy, and society. Stijn focuses specifically on technologies and policies for sustainable waste management and the circular economy. Previously, Stijn was a Postdoctoral Associate at the Yale Center for Industrial Ecology and a Research Associate at UCL. He was a visiting researcher at the Department for Environment, Food & Rural Affairs (Defra)
Dr Caijun Shi
Caijun is an Affiliate Professor of Materials Science and Engineering at the University of British Columbia. His research interests include design, properties and applications of HPC/UHPC; Performance enhancement of recycled concrete aggregates; Chemically-activated cementitious materials and structural design; CO2 Sequestration in concrete materials and products
Dr Eleni Lacovidou
Eleni's research focuses on environmental management, with emphasis on resource and waste management systems. Specifically, Eleni develop methods for performing holistic and integrated environmental, economic, social and technical assessments of resource recovery systems based on a systems thinking approach.
Dr Geng Yong
Yong Geng currently works at the Department of Environmental Science, Shanghai Jiao Tong University. Yong does research in Quantitative Social Research, Environmental Economics and Environmental Engineering. Their current project is 'Low carbon City Project, Japan, Indonesia and China'.
Dr Guan Lee
Guan Lee is an Associate Professor at The Bartlett School of Architecture Faculty of the Built Environment. His research is multi-disciplinary, working across material innovation, fabrication technologies digital and manual, theory and practice.
Dr Francesca Medda
FrancescaMedda is Professor of Applied Economics and Finance at the University CollegeLondon (UCL). She is the Founder and Director of the UCL Institute of Financeand Technology.
Dr Raffaele Landolfo
Raffaele Landolfo was born in Naples, Italy, on September 18th, 1962. He has been serving as Full Professor of Structural Engineering at the University of Naples “Federico II” since 2003.
Dr Theo Hanein
Theo is highly experienced in thermochemistry and his research centres around green, circular, and smart materials and their processing; his main area of research is in sustainable cement production. He is highly experienced in cement clinker formulation and pyro processing, including the successful scale-up and pilot demonstration of the production of novel low-carbon cement clinkers on several occasions. He is responsible for pioneering the use of atmospheric control during clinker manufacture, for quality control and to produce novel clinkers.