The International Centre for Chinese Heritage and Archaeology (ICCHA), the Institute of Archaeology of UCL regularly welcomes visiting academics, known at UCL as Affiliate Academics, from China or who pursuing Chinese archaeology and heritage related studies.
Affiliate academics are charged a fee, known as bench fees. Please note that for affiliate academics and students whose funding comes from the Chinese Scholarship Council (CSC), the bench fees will be covered be the UCL agreement with CSC.
How to apply
This scheme is intended for academics who wish to spend a period at the ICCHA of IoA, pursuing their own research either individually or in association with members of staff of IoA, UCL in related fields of interest.
Applications via email, including a covering letter outlining research interests, research proposal and work plan whilst in ICCHA and a CV, should be sent to
Find out more: for visiting staff from other institutions, please see UCL Affiliate Academics. For visiting research students, please see UCL Visiting Students.
Dr ZHANG Bo is currently visiting the Institute of Archaeology, UCL between July 2013-July 2014. He is Lecturer in Cultural Heritage of School of Cultural Heritage, Northwest University.