We are here pleased to announce that Dr ZHUANG Yijie has recently been appointed as Lecturer in Chinese Archaeology by UCL, Institute of Archaeology.

Dr. Zhuang completed his PhD at the University of Cambridge and had taken up a Junior Research Fellowship at Merton College of the University of Oxford, after his BA training in Northwest University and MA degree in Peking University. His PhD dissertation, entitled "Geoarchaeological Investigation of Early Agriculture, Ecological Diversity and Landscape Change in the Early Neolithic of North China", focused on key issues concerning early agriculture, ecological diversity and evolution of people, environment and landscape in the early Neolithic. Apart from continuing the research on ecology of early agriculture in China, he is also involved in a number of collaborative projects in investigating the relationships between intensified land use, increased erosion and the development of early civilizations across the Eurasian continent. Dr Zhuang will start his position with IoA in September 2013.
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