A selection of resources related to Chinese politics, culture and language learning.
Chinese Language Learning Videos
Academic Resources
- Made in China (open-access journal on China with variety of topics and curricula)
- China Quarterly (academic journal of reference)
- SupChina (podcasts/China highlights/original articles/interviews)
- China Law Translate (translations of Chinese laws etc.)
- Neican (translations and selection of key CCP documents)
In-depth Reporting, Commentary and Essays
- Lausan Collective (HK-based critical voices on greater China)
- Sixth Tone (China-based, avoids very sensitive topics while tackling some social issues)
- New Bloom (radical voices on Taiwan and Asia-Pacific)
- China Digital Times (news aggregator/translator)
- China Dialogue (environmental focus)
- Panda Paw Dragon Claw (blog on global China)
China News
- Daily and business news
- South China Morning Post (HK-based mainstream newspaper)
- Caixin (Chinese business news)
- Party propaganda and the ‘official line’
Cultural Awareness Workshop
In 2022, the European and International Social and Political Studies department (EISPS) organized the first workshop on how to best support Chinese students at UCL by sharing our experience as lecturers, administrators, speakers of Chinese and researchers of China. A second workshop took place in May 2023. Our intention remains to contribute to work by dedicated UCL teams by running yearly workshops and finding new ways to share our experience, amplify the student voice and give space to excellent research done here at UCL by our own doctoral students. UCL staff can access the recording, slides and additional resources via a dedicated Moodle page.
Presentations From Past Events
10th Feburary 2023 Book launch event: “Regulation of State-Controlled Enterprises: An Interdisciplinary and Comparative Examination”
UCL China Centre in collaboration with the University of Portsmouth and with the Democratic Citizenship Theme of the University of Portsmouth and the Research Futures Webinar Series
Editors: Julien Chaisse, Jędrzej Górski, Dini Sejko
Publisher: Springer
• Dr Alessandro Spano, Lecturer in Chinese Law and Co-Director, UCL China Centre, Host of the event, and contributor
• Prof Leila Choukroune, Professor of International Law and Director of the University of Portsmouth Thematic Area in Democratic Citizenship, Springer Series Editor International Law and the Global South, Co-chair and commentator
• Prof Julien Chaisse, Professor of Law, City University of Hong Kong, Co-editor
• Dr Dini Sejko, Lecturer, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, Business School, Co-editor
• Prof Larry Catá Backer, Professor of Law, Pennsylvania State University – Contributor
• Mr Ji Ma, Research Associate, China, Law and Development Project at Oxford University, Contributor