The UCL China Centre’s mission is to showcase and connect the work of our members, associates and friends. With our relevant expertise, we provide a platform for knowledge about China at UCL.
Igor Rogelja
Area of focus: Igor’s research focuses on the materiality of Global China, in particular its infrastructural financing and construction. By exploring the political context of materials such as concrete, cement or coal, Igor is trying to unpack simplistic narratives about China’s rise, pointing out different types of entanglements that complicate power relations between China and the world.
Ongoing Projects: The People's Map of Global China
Alessandro Spano
Ongoing Projects: Alessandro Spano, Competition law in China (Book Chapter) in ‘Internationalisation of EU Law and EU-China Relations’, Routledge Series - The Rule of Law in China and Comparative Perspectives, eds Fu Hualing and Li Yuwen, (Forthcoming 2023) - Jean Monnet Network on EU-China Legal and Judicial Cooperation (EUPLANT).