The Institute has a long and successful history in providing training in statistics and data science. Below are just some of the training and development opportunities we offer.
Centre for Applied Statistics Courses (CASC)
We provide short courses in research methods and statistical analyses for anyone wanting to interpret or undertake their own research. Everyone is welcome to attend, including those based outside UCL. Find out more.
Rigorous Training in Longitudinal Data Science (RADIANCE)
RADIANCE offers online training in data science to quantitative researchers involved with biomedical and social data. Find out more.
Short courses
We offer short courses in data science the National Centre for Research Methods
- Introduction to Hospital Episode Statistics
- Introduction to Data Linkage
Child Health Research PhD Studentship Programme
The UCL Institute of Child Health offers funded studentships via the Child Health Research PhD Studentship Programme; at least one studentship in each round is in data science. Find out more about the Child Health Research PhD Studentship Programme.
UCL Institute of Child Health offers internships in data science via the HDR-UK Health Data Science Black Internship Programme to help support Black people in the UK develop and grow careers in data science. Find out more about the HDR-UK Health Data Science Black Internship Programme.
Similarly, we take part in the In2scienceUK programme, which offers Year 12 or euivalent aged students the chance to gain real-world experience, expert insights and practical support to help kickstart your future career in STEM.