PPP Symposium: Tackling the Wicked Problem of Inequalities in Child Health
27 January 2021, 2:00 pm–4:00 pm
Event Information
Open to
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PPP Communications
Online30 Guilford StreetLondonWC1N 1EH
Health inequalities are often referred to as a “wicked problem”; complex, difficult to define and with no simple solutions. This symposium brings together experts from a range of fields, including medicine, epidemiology, sociology and law, who are attempting to understand and tackle the multifaceted impacts of inequalities, at the levels of individuals and communities through to population.
2-2.45: David Taylor-Robinson (Keynote) Professor of Public Health and Policy, University of Liverpool; MRC Clinician Scientist; and Honorary Consultant in Public Health at Alder Hey Children’s Hospital
Addressing the early origins of health inequalities:
The importance of protecting children from poverty and adversity
2.45-3.10: Prof Pia Hardelid UCL GOS PPP
Using linked administrative data to address child health inequalities
3.10-3.35: Prof Helen Roberts UCL GOS PPP
It’s like teaching your child to swim in a pool full of alligators”
3.35-4:00 Prof Dame Hazel Genn UCL (Vice-Provost International & Advancement)
Integrating health and social welfare legal services to mitigate child health inequalities
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