Grand Opening of the Nyholm Room
11 May 2017
Wednesday 17th May 2017
10am - 11am
As part of our Athena SWAN initiative, the Nyholm Room has has been decorated and refurnished and is now a common room that is booked for chemistry staff and researchers for socialising and coffee from 10.30-11.30 am every weekday.
The refurb was carried out by Nicola Phillips with the help of Joe Nolan - thank you both. New benching has been put in with sockets and ports for laptops, noticeboards were put up as well as the addition of some sofa's for relaxing in.
On Wednesday 17th May at 10am, there will be a grand opening of the room for all chemistry staff and PhD students. Tea, Coffee and Cakes will be available - so grab a mug and come along to celebrate this new space.
IMAGE: Laura Mulcahy and Ninik Smith enjoying a cuppa in the newly decorated room.