H. Walter Stern was an alumnus of the department, who undertook a diploma course in Chemical Engineering in 1941. Mr Stern left a legacy in his will to the Ramsay Memorial Department of Chemical Engineering, to support teaching and research.
From 2024/2025 this generous gift will be used to contribute towards the UCL Research Opportunity Scholarship.
UCL's Research Opportunity Scholarship (UCL-ROS) is intended to support UK-permanent residents from one of the following BAME ethnic groups:
- Black or Black British - Caribbean
- Black or Black British - African
- Other Black background
- Asian or Asian British - Bangladeshi
- Asian or Asian British – Pakistani
Please inform the department that you wish to be considered for this scholarship and submit a completed ROS coversheet and UCL Research Opportunity Scholarshiop (ROS) application form.
For further instructions and information visit the UCL's Research Opportunity Scholarship website.
Deadline: 15 April 2024