
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Research paper co-authored by 2 MEng Students is published by journal 'Molecular Physics'

7 July 2020

Images of students Urvi Shah and Naimul Ismal

Students Urvi Shah and Naimul Islam, who graduated in 2019 with an MEng degree in Chemical Engineering have co-authored a peer-reviewed journal article: "Competitive Adsorption and Reduced Mobility: N-Octane, CO2 and H2S in Alumina and Graphite Pores". The paper describes the results Urvi and Naimul obtained during their MEng Research Project within the Department.

Sakiru Badmos
The first author of this article is Dr Sakiru Badmos, who earned first his MSc degree in Chemical Process Engineering and then his PhD degree in Chemical Engineering from the Department. Read the manuscript on the Taylor & Francis Online website.