Prof. Eva Sorensen presented with IChemE Frank Morton medal
14 June 2018
On the 5th June Professor Eva Sorensen, Deputy Head of Education and Professor of Chemical Engineering at UCL was presented with the Frank Morton medal by the Institution of Chemical Engineers (IChemE).
The medal is named in memory of IChemE past President Frank Morton and his dedicated service to teaching. It recognises excellence and promoting best practice in chemical engineering education.
Sorensen, who has worked at UCL for more than 20 years, played a key role in the development of the University’s Integrated Engineering Programme (IEP), which takes an innovative approach to delivering engineering education by encouraging personal and professional development as part of the degree process. The approach encourages chemical engineering students to work alongside other disciplines, and places real importance on transferable professional skills.
Sorensen is also the Editor-in-Chief of Chemical Engineering Research and Design, which sits in the top third of chemical engineering journals by Impact Factor ranking.
She was presented with the medal at IChemE’s London offices, by Chief Executive Jon Prichard.