
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Meet our students

Student Profile – Alexandra Mitchell

Alexandra Mitchell

Alexandra Mitchell was a student on the GMNR programme in 2016-17, and grew up in the South East of the U.K.

Why did you choose to study MSc in Global Management of Natural Resources at UCL Chemical Engineering?

UCL has a world-renowned name; I decided that a degree from here would provide me with good opportunities and excellent teaching. I chose the course because it is highly multidisciplinary, covering many areas of natural resources and business that I had never touched before but perceived them to be important in my career. I also thought the opportunity to work in Australia alongside a company was one that was invaluable and not offered elsewhere.

What are you working on at the moment?

I have just finished my MSc Thesis related to the Social Licence to Operate at a small mining operation in South Australia. The project was carried out alongside Terramin. I spent my time talking with the community members to understand the impact the mine has had on their lives and the influence they have had on the mining company.

Tell us what has been the most challenging part of the course?

It was challenging for me to spend time away from my friends and family whilst in Australia. However, I did my best to make the most of the situation by working with a community out there.

What has been the highlight of your time on the course?

I have thoroughly enjoyed meeting people from a wide range of backgrounds and from all over the world. Getting to know new cultures and learning from like-minded people.

What do you have planned after your studies?

I will begin working with mining consultancy company Wardell Armstrong in their Truro office, as a social and environmental specialist. Based in Cornwall, U.K. but with many opportunities to travel abroad, working with mines in emerging economies across the globe.

Student Profile – Astrid Benz

What is your name and where are you from?

Astrid Benz, Switzerland

Why did you choose to study MSc in Global Management of Natural Resources at UCL Chemical Engineering?

I was especially attracted by the Master’s interdisciplinary curriculum as I wanted to gain a more technical understanding of the management of natural resources. As I worked in energy research before the Masters, the program also seemed to be a good fit due to its focus on energy resources. 

What are you working on at the moment?

Project leader energy security at Federal Office for National Economic Supply in Switzerland.

Tell us what has been the most challenging part of the course?

As I have a bachelor’s in economics, challenging was especially the subject “natural gas processing” which is the most technical subject of the master program. In order to get a good understanding of the material, I had to research a lot of terms which where common knowledge for the students with an engineer or chemistry background. This made studying for this subject much more time-consuming but was definitely doable. 

What has been the highlight of your time on the course?

I liked the exchange in Adelaide, the city is lovely, quieter than London but there are still many things to do. Also, I liked the team spirit we developed over time in our class, studying together, writing on essays all night etc. This was reinforced by the small class size, coming from all over the world with diverse backgrounds.

Student Profile – Zhu Xuejin

Zhu Xuejin

What is your name and where are you from?

Zhu Xuejin, China

Why did you choose to study MSc in Global Management of Natural Resources at UCL Chemical Engineering?

I was attracted to the programme, by both the core modules and the transcontinental nature of study. I wanted to gain a global perspective on the natural resources sector.

What are you working on at the moment?

An investment company in the field of renewable energy and environmental protection.

Tell us what has been the most challenging part of the course?

This multidisciplinary nature of the programme, with a range of modules covering the whole industry. I had to learn a lot and develop learning skills.

What has been the highlight of your time on the course?

The growth in my communication skills!

What do you have planned after your studies?

To continue to progress in the world of work.