
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Departmental Seminar Series - Climate Change and Technology Innovation

16 March 2022, 1:05 pm–2:00 pm

Image of Dr Jing Meng

We warmly invite you to our Departmental Seminar Series, with guest speaker Dr Jing Meng. The first hour will focus on the talk, with the second hour dedicated to a networking session. This event is open to all students and staff.

This event is free.

Event Information

Open to







Dr Yang Lan and Dr Ryan Wang – UCL Chemical Engineering

Seminar abstract:

Achieving net-zero requires technology innovation and an understanding of the future costs of energy technologies. Dr. Meng will first give an overview of the pathway to net-zero and the potential contribution of different technologies. She will then focus on the energy sector and introduce a systematic comparison of probabilistic technology cost forecasts produced by expert elicitation and model-based methods. Her research also produces 2030 cost forecasts and finds that elicitations generally yield narrower uncertainty ranges than model-based methods and that model-based forecasts are lower for more modular technologies. In addition to the production side solution, the demand-side solution, such as behavioral change, also contributes to climate change mitigation.

this seminar will be held on Zoom. Click 'book now' to join the event. 

About the Speaker

Dr Jing Meng

Associate Professor at The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London (UCL).

Dr Jing Meng is an Associate Professor at The Bartlett School of Sustainable Construction, University College London (UCL). Her research focus is climate change and air pollution policies, including theories and modeling of environmental economics, technology innovation and sustainable consumption and trade policies. Jing receives her PhD degree in Environmental Geography from Peking University. Jing also holds a bachelor’s degree in Building Environment and Energy Engineering from Huazhong University of Science and Technology. Jing is an associate editor of the Journal of Cleaner Production and a section editor of Energy and Buildings. She is also a fellow of the Cambridge centre for Environment, Energy, and Natural Resource Governance at the University of Cambridge.

More about Dr Jing Meng