
UCL Department of Chemical Engineering


Arnab Chaudhuri, MSc Graduate 2016


I applied to UCL after having completed my B.S. in Chemical Engineering from the University of California, Berkeley. I was particularly interested in the M.Sc. Chemical Process Engineering program at UCL due to the advanced course modules it offered and because of the opportunity it provided in carrying out a master’s dissertation in cutting-edge research areas. 

I worked on developing silicon anodes for sulfur batteries and was supervised by Dr. Paul Shearing. I particularly enjoyed working on my research since I was given the opportunity to make the project my own; carrying out experiments which I thought would ultimately lead to significant results and to a successful project. One of my goals for the M.Sc. was to gauge if I ultimately wanted to pursue a PhD and I

think this program provided a very good indication of what a PhD would be like. I could learn a lot through the project from not only my supervisor but also from other researchers working in the lab, and from visiting researchers as well. The department also has some great research facilities and equipment, which only enhanced the experience further.

The courses offered for this program are also quite applicable for industrial applications. For instance, the module Process Systems Modelling works with the gPROMS software, a tool which is widely being used across the chemical industry. UCL also attracts guest lecturers from all over the world which helps to further build on the courses already offered in the program.

I very much enjoyed my time at UCL and it was a great formative experience for my future career.