
Queen Square Centre for Neuromuscular Diseases



Our research programmes include basic discovery science to understand the biology of muscle and nerve function and translational research aimed at developing therapies to improve the lives of patients.
MRC Centre core translational research activities

CNMD core translational research activities

Discover more about the centre's core research.

mitochondrial service group

London Mitochondrial Centre

Discover more about our mitochondrial research.

Discovery research programmes

Discovery research programmes

Take a closer look at our research areas.

Experimental clinical trials

Experimental Clinical Trials

Patient and clinician information about our current and past clinical trials.

Research publications

Research Publications

Take an even closer look at our leading academic publications.

Our discovery science is supported by research funding from the MRC and the Wellcome Trust.

The centre has established clinical and research links with other neuromuscular research groups and patient organisations throughout the UK including Muscular Dystrophy UK. The centre works with the very large adult and child neuromuscular disease patient body cared for at: