The NMCCC is the first dedicated in-patient centre in the UK for patients with complex neuromuscular disorders.
The unit was funded by UCLH Trustees and Queen Square Enterprises who provided £2.4 million investment.

The NMCCC is a 6 bedded in-patient facility designed to improve access to multi-specialty care for patients with severe physical disability and complex multi-system involvement who have difficulty attending multiple hospital appointments due to their disability.
Patients are admitted for one to five nights depending on their needs. There is a lead Neuromuscular consultant each week. Patients may see either a respiratory consultant (Dr Fionnuala Crummy) or a Neuroanaesthetic consultant (Dr Jeremy Radcliffe and Dr Javid Khan) experienced in initiation and management of non-invasive ventilation (NIV).
The unit can set up NIV and provides cough assist machines if needed. Sleep studies are analysed by a respiratory physiologist who will also undertake flight assessments if they are required. Cardiac echo and review is by consultant cardiologist Dr Pantazis. Dr Emanuel, consultant gastroenterologist leads on the management of bowel and nutritional problems. Patients can be admitted to the NMCCC for Gastrostomy insertion and management.
Patients are discussed by the whole team at a weekly multi-disciplinary meeting.

During their inpatient stay on the NMCCC patients can see a physiotherapist, occupational therapist, dietician, speech and language specialist and clinical psychologist depending upon their need. The NMCCC nurses can undertake nursing assessments to help with applications for care packages. The NMCCC has a clinical nurse specialist who provides outreach to local hospitals and can keep in touch with patients via a telephone clinic.
The NMCCC is open Monday to Friday 24 hours a day and some weekends, patients can telephone the unit to speak with a nurse for advice. 02034483317