- Waterloo Foundation
The Waterloo Foundation is interested in the psychological and behavioural development of our children, and particularly in certain neuro-developmental conditions and the factors that influence them. This fund was temporarily closed but is due to reopen in September 2016.
They are most interested in the following neurodevelopmental topics:
- Rolandic epilepsy (also called BECCTS or BECTS)
- Autistic Spectrum Disorders
- Dyslexia
- Development Co-ordination Disorder
- Trauma
- Action Medical Research for Children
Action Medical Research for Children is a charity aiming to prevent and treat disease and disability by funding vital medical research in hospitals or research institutions across the UK. Their main objectives are to prevent disease and disability and to alleviate physical disability. Project grants and research training fellowships are available.
Some of the research that Action Medical Research are funding:
- Epilepsy
- Premature birth
- Autism
- Rare diseases
- Epilepsy Research UK
Epilepsy Research UK is the only national charity exclusively dedicated to funding independent scientific research into epilepsy within the UK. There are project grants, pilot grants and fellowship awards available.
- Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity
The charity aims to support high quality research with the potential to improve the lives of patients at Great Ormond Street Hospital (GOSH) and beyond through better diagnosis, treatment, improved care or cures.
Great Ormond Street Hospital Children's Charity (GOSHCC) has three funding streams:
- Leadership funding
- Clinical research starter grants
- National project grant funding
- Rosetrees Trust
Rosetrees trust supports research into all aspects of biomedical science. Funding comes in the following categories:
- Early career scientists
- Pilot studies
- Project grants
- Sparks
Sparks support research into a broad range of medical conditions affecting children's health ranging from pregnancy and birth through childhood. Their current two priority areas are rare diseases and premature birth.
They are not accepting any more new applications in 2016. To be notified when the next application round opens, please email them at medical.team@sparks.org.uk
- The Academy of Medical Sciences
The Academy offers a variety of career development schemes aimed at early to mid career researchers working in various fields of biomedical science. The grant beneficiaries including:
- Postdoctoral clinical researchers
- Postdoctoral researchers
- Pre-doctoral researchers
- Undergraduate students
Round 16 of the Starter Grant Scheme is now open! Grants to cover the cost of research consumables (up to £30,000) are available to research-active Clinical Lecturers. Deadline - 5 September 2016.
- Wellcome Trust
The Wellcome Trust funds scientific research to improve the quality of healthcare. Amongst other areas, they are interested in neuroscience and mental health. There are a lot of awards available, here are a few of them:
- Sir Henry Wellcome Postdoctoral Fellowships
- Wellcome Trust and National Institutes of Health Four-year PhD Studentships
- Four-year PhD Studentships in Science
Research can be done in the laboratory, clinic or field, and may involve experimental or theoretical approaches.
- Neurosciences Research Foundation