
Centre for Doctoral Training in Russian, Slavonic & East European languages and culture


Useful Vocabulary

To the archive

entrance to archive

Vocabulary in Russian

Getting into the Archive

Читательский билет Reader's ticket, also known as пропуск.

Пропуск Pass

Временный пропуск Temporary pass. You will receive one of these on your first visit to an archive; it will be replaced by a permanent pass.

Читальный зал Reading room

Режим работы Opening hours

Санитарный день Often the first working day of the month, the санитарный день, or cleaning day, is a day on which the archive is routinely closed. Closure on this day will often impact upon the waiting time for documents.

Личное заявление Letter of introduction. Required by all archives in order to issue a пропуск. This should be written in Russian on your institution's paper, be signed by your supervisor and state your research theme, aim of your research (i.e. PhD thesis) and the period during which you will be using the archive.

Анкета Questionnaire. You may be required to fill this in when registering at the archive.

Filling in Forms

Должность Your position in the institution (учреждения). The answer for most is аспирант(ка): PhD student.

Учёная степень Your qualifications. For most current PhDs this will be бакалавр (undergraduate degree) and/or магистр (master's degree).

Ученое звание Academic title such as доцент (lecturer).

Название темы The theme of your research.

Хронологические рамки The period you are researching.

Цель работы Aim of your research. For most people this will be кандидатская диссертация (or канд. дисс.): PhD thesis.

Getting the Documents

Фонд (often abbreviated ф.) The top level of organisation of the Russian archival.

Фонды usually gather documents from a specific institution or person (личный фонд).

Опись (оп.) The second level of organisation, this denotes a group of documents within a given фонд. In the archive, описи are inventories which list the individual documents; you will be able to consult these in the archive's reading room.

Дело (д.) The lowest level of archival organisation, this is the individual file.

Название фонда Title of the фонд.

Единица хранения (ед. хр.) Another term for дело.

Путеводитель Guide to the archive. These publications which may be in book form or, increasingly, online, contain фонд level descriptions of the archive's contents. To access descriptions of individual documents, it is often necessary to consult the описи.

Справочник Guide to the archive.

Реестр A list of all the описи in a фонд.

Картотека Card catalogue.

Заказ документов An order for documents.

Предварительный заказ Advance order. Many archives allow you to place an order in advance by email or phone. Given that it can take several days to fulfill an order, this is particularly useful for researchers from overseas.

Требование Request form for documents.

Выдача документов Receipt of documents.

Using the Documents

Просмотр Reading/examination. There are often forms on the individual дела which require you to record that you have used the document and how you used it. You may write, for example, просмотр or выписка.

Выписка Copying out (see above).

Ксерокопирование Photocopying (a paid service in most archives).

Cканирование Scanning (a paid service in most archives).

Микрофильм Microfilm

Пленка Roll of film

Микрофиш Microfiche

Читальный аппарат Microfilm/fiche reader

Проектор Microfilm/fiche reader

Ролик Reel

Оставлять / оставить Leave and reserve for later use.

Сдавать / сдать Hand back (when you are finished completely).

Отдавать / отдать As above.

Лист Page

Vocabulary in Ukrainian

Getting into the Archive

Читацький квиток Reader's ticket, also known as пропуск.

Пропуск Pass

Тимчасовий пропуск Temporary pass. You will receive one of these on your first visit to an archive; it will be replaced by a permanent pass.

Читальний зал Reading room

Час роботи Opening hours

Санітарний день Often the first working day of the month, the санітарний день, or cleaning day, is a day on which the archive is routinely closed. Closure on this day will often impact upon the waiting time for documents.

Особиста заява Letter of introduction. Required by all archives in order to issue a пропуск. This should be written in Russian on your institution's paper, signed by your supervisor and state your research theme, aim of your research (i.e. PhD thesis) and the period during which you will be using the archive.

Анкета Questionnaire. You may be required to fill this in when registering at the archive.

Filling in Forms

Місце роботи (посада) Your position in the institution. The answer for most is аспірант (ка): PhD student.

Науковий ступінь Your qualifications. For most current PhDs this will be бакалавр (undergraduate degree) and/or магістр (master's degree).

Учене звання Academic title such as доцент (lecturer).

Тема роботи The theme of your research.

Хронологічні межі The period you are researching.

Getting the Documents

Фонд (often abbreviated ф.) The top level of organisation of the Russian archival. Фонды usually gather documents from a specific institution or person (особистий фонд).

Опис (оп.) The second level of organisation, this denotes a groups of documents within a given фонд. In the archive описи are inventories which list the individual documents, you will be able to consult these in the archive's reading room.

Справа (сп.) The lowest level of archival organisation, this is the individual file.

Назва фонду Title of the фонд.

Одиниць зберігання (од. зб.) Another term for справа.

Путівник Guide to the archive. These publications which may be in book form or, increasingly, online, contain фонд level descriptions of the archive's contents. To access descriptions of individual documents, it is often necessary to consult the описи.

Довідник Guide to the archive.

Реєстр A list of all the описи in a фонд.

Картотека Card catalogue.

Замовлення документів Documents order.

Електронне замовлення Advance order. Many archives allow you to place an order in advance by email or phone. Given that it can take several days to fulfil an order, this is particularly useful for researchers from overseas.

Форма замовлення Request form for documents.

Отримання документів Receipt of documents.

Мета роботи Aim of your research. For most people this will be кандидатська дисертація (or канд. дисс.): PhD thesis.

Using the Documents

Перегляд Reading/ examination. There are often forms on the individual справи which require you to record that you have used the document and how you used it. You may write, for example, перегляд or копіювання.

Копіювання Copying out (see above).

Ксерокопіювання Photocopying (a paid service in most archives).

Сканірування Scanning (a paid service in most archives).

Мікрофільм Microfilm

Плівка Roll of film

Мікрофіш Microfiche

Читальний апарат Microfilm/fiche reader

Проектор Microfilm/fiche reader

Ролик Reel

Залишати / залишити Leave and reserve for later use.

Здавати / здати Hand back (when you are finished completely).

Віддавати / віддати As above.

Аркуш Page

Related language resources

  • Visit the CEELBAS Language Repository - a free, open-access resource to support language training for research on Central and Eastern Europe and Russia.