
Centre for Doctoral Training in Russian, Slavonic & East European languages and culture


Manuscript Room of the Library of the Academy of Sciences

Location and Contact Details

Address: 199034, Saint Petersburg, Birzhevaia liniia, d. 1
Metro: Vasiliostrovskaia
Web: http://www.ban.pu.ru/
Email: ban@info.rasl.spb.ru
Phone: (812) 328-3592
Library Director: Irina Mikhailovna Beliaeva
Head archivist: Vera Grigor'evna Podkovyrova

Opening Hours: Monday and Wednesday: 1200-1800
Tuesday and Thursday 1000-1800

How to Register

You will need two letters, addressed to Beliaeva. One will be kept on file at the main propusk office. They will register you for the library. You will then give the other to the manuscript room staff. They will not give you a formal propusk.

How to Order Material

You should use one form per document. They are brought immediately and the maximum order is 5 items.

Reading Room Practices, General Hints and Tips

The reading room is very small, with space for around 8 readers at full capacity. There are sockets for laptops. There is a stolovaia in the library building, by the cloakroom, but you must hand in your documents and exit the library to get there.

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