
UCL Institute of Cardiovascular Science



  • Huntley RP, Kramarz B, Sawford T, Umrao Z, Kalea AZ, Acquaah V, Martin MJ, Mayr M, Lovering RC. Expanding the horizons of microRNA bioinformatics. RNA. 2018 Jun 5;24:1005-1017. doi: 10.1261/rna.065565.118. PMID:29871895
  • Ferrari R, Kia DA, Tomkins JE, Hardy J, Wood NW, Lovering RC, Lewis PA, Manzoni C. Stratification of candidate genes for Parkinson's disease using weighted protein-protein interaction network analysis. BMC Genomics. 2018 19(1):452. doi: 10.1186/s12864-018-4804-9. PMID:29898659 summary
  • Sivade Dumousseau M, Alonso-López D, Ammari M, Bradley G, Campbell NH, Ceol A, Cesareni G, Combe C, De Las Rivas J, Del-Toro N, Heimbach J, Hermjakob H, Jurisica I, Koch M, Licata L, Lovering RC, Lynn DJ, Meldal BHM, Micklem G, Panni S, Porras P, Ricard-Blum S, Roechert B, Salwinski L, Shrivastava A, Sullivan J, Thierry-Mieg N, Yehudi Y, Van Roey K, Orchard S. Encompassing new use cases - level 3.0 of the HUPO-PSI format for molecular interactions. BMC Bioinformatics. 2018 Apr 11;19(1):134. doi: 10.1186/s12859-018-2118-1. PMID:29642841.
  • Lovering RC, Roncaglia P, Howe DG, Laulederkind SJF, Khodiyar VK, Berardini TZ, Tweedie S, Foulger RE, Osumi-Sutherland D, Campbell NH, Huntley RP, Talmud PJ, Blake JA, Breckenridge R, Riley PR, Lambiase PD, Elliott PM, Clapp L, Tinker A, Hill DP. (2018) Improving Interpretation of Cardiac Phenotypes and Enhancing Discovery With Expanded Knowledge in the Gene Ontology. Circ. Genom. Precis. Med. 11:e001813. PMID:29440116. Also see the YouTube summary
  • Denny P, Feuermann M, Hill DP, Lovering RC, Plun-Favreau H, Roncaglia P. (2018) Exploring autophagy with Gene Ontology. Autophagy. 2018 17:1-18. doi: 10.1080/15548627.2017.1415189. PMID:29455577